Examples Of Globalization

Globalization as a process increase the movement of people, culture, technology, ideologies and information across the world. From the song we hear to many of the popular movies and novels, fashion, technology emigrate from one country to another.

The list can go on forever.Tried listing some of these below.
  • Mc Donald’s – by the method of franchising they expand their business not only in their country but also overseas.
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken(KFC) founded by colonel, is one of the top most food chain in the world.
  • Ebay/ Amazon(E commerce companies) – Flow of goods and services, they are not only cheap and fast, but reliable and secure. You can order anything you wish from every part of the world.
  • Smart phones, TVs, cars, laptops or computers, ipads, all smart devices.
  • Social networking sites like facebook, Goggle, Whatsapp etc.
  • Music, fast foods, fashion trends, sports, movies, books.
  • Study tutorials- you just need an internet connection and any smart device (computer, laptop or phone) and by sitting in one country you can chat, learn or study from a person sitting in another country. Take live study lessons relating to any subjects, sports or games are another great example of globalization.
Our lives are so deeply influenced by the globalised economy that often we do not even recognize it. It is happening so fast, so it’s difficult for our brain to catch up.Its sometimes sad, that local identities and cultures are slowly disappearing , and now it’s difficult to bring back old good times.

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